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D.C. Bar CLE Institute 2022


Seth H. Jaffe

Seth H. 贾菲是伦理法的负责人 & 美国政府道德办公室(OGE)政策处. 他在OGE工作了十多年. While at OGE, Seth has worked on detail for a year as an ethics advisor in the White House Counsel's Office. Seth joined OGE after practicing civil rights and constitutional law.
从杜克大学法学院以优异成绩毕业后, Seth began his career working as a litigation associate for Curtis Mallet ¬ Prevost Colt & 纽约一家大型澳门赌场官网事务所. 在加入OGE之前, Seth served as acting deputy general counsel and director of EEO Programs at the US Commission on Civil Rights.  In addition, 赛斯是北卡罗来纳州美国公民自由联盟的代理澳门赌场官网, 他在州法院和联邦法院都代表客户吗.

Elizabeth Kingsley

Elizabeth Kingsley

Elizabeth Kingsley (Moderator) is a partner with Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg LLP, 她在哪里引导她的客户通过复杂的法律迷宫, tax and political reporting frameworks that often require novel application to grass roots and coalition activities. Her clients include national and international public interest organizations, community-based groups, private foundations, associations, 还有政治组织和候选人. Many of her clients have complex organizational structures with lobbying, charitable, political, and other affiliated operations. She focuses particularly on lobbying and policy advocacy, and compliance with campaign finance laws. 贝丝还为国际基金的制定提供建议, state and local tax exemption, and nonprofit governance.
Beth co-chairs the subcommittee on Politics and Lobbying Activities of the Exempt Organizations Committee of the ABA Tax Section. She earned her JD, magna cum laude, from Georgetown University Law Center, where she was Order of the Coif. 她在奥伯林学院获得了学士学位 Phi Beta Kappa.

Stephanie N. Robbins

Stephanie N. Robbins

Stephanie N. 罗宾斯是哈蒙澳门赌场官网事务所的高级助理, Curran, Spielberg and Eisenberg LLP, where she advises the firm’s clients on complex tax law and processes that regulate their day-to-day activities, as well as state law, corporate law, and governance issues. Ms. Robbins specializes in advising charities on setting up the complex corporate structures required for charities to be permitted to engage in lobbying and political activities. Ms. 罗宾斯还为国内和国际资助提供咨询, fiscal sponsorship, 以及慈善机构特有的其他问题. She particularly enjoys representing the firm’s clients in tax controversies before the Internal Revenue Service.
在2021年加入Harmon Curran之前,她是. 罗宾斯在美国国税局工作了十年. She began in 2011 as a Presidential Management Fellow with an appointment as tax law specialist in the business unit devoted to charities and government entities. In this position, Ms. Robbins reviewed complex applications for recognition for distinct types of charities, including public charities, private foundations, title-holding companies, social welfare organizations, and business leagues. 她还根据纳税人的要求撰写裁决, 回复纳税人函件, and served as a subject matter expert for specific types of charities.
In 2014, Ms. Robbins joined the IRS Office of Chief Counsel in the associate office devoted to charities as an honors attorney. As an attorney advisor, Ms. Robbins authored significant guidance and letter rulings affecting several types of charities, including hospitals. Ms. Robbins also regularly supported IRS field attorneys with examinations and the Department of Justice with litigation. Ms. Robbins served as a subject matter expert for issues such as unrelated business income earned by charities and the political and lobbying activities of charities.
Ms. Robbins then earned an LLM in taxation from Georgetown University Law Center in 2013. 她于2011年获得天普大学的法学博士学位.

Cara J. Spencer

Cara J. Spencer is an Assistant Attorney General in the Antitrust and Nonprofit Enforcement Section of the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia (DC-OAG), 她主要在非营利机构工作吗. Cara represents the District in civil enforcement suits against nonprofits and their agents who have violated District laws governing nonprofit corporations. She also handles investigations of potential misappropriation of nonprofit funds, 不正当的冲突交易, 非法慈善募捐, 以及地区非营利组织的治理违规行为.
在加入司法部长办公室之前, 卡拉是阿诺德澳门赌场官网事务所的商业诉讼助理 & Porter Kaye Scholer在华盛顿的办公室. She also served as a law clerk on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. 卡拉在哥伦比亚学院获得了哲学学士学位, 麻省理工学院哲学博士学位, 以及乔治城大学法律中心的法学博士学位.

Christopher J. Swartz

Christopher J. Swartz

Chris Swartz is senior associate counsel with the US Office of Government Ethics, supporting OGE’s legislative, policy, and ethics law functions. He previously served as the first permanent head of the National Office and Bureau Programs Branch of the Departmental Ethics Office, Department of the Interior. Before that, he was associate counsel and team lead of OGE’s International Affairs team, responsible for supporting and promoting US international anti-corruption policy. While at OGE, Chris twice served on detail to the White House Counsel’s Office as ethics counsel.

Chris earned his JD, magna cum laude他是新英格兰法学院(New England School of Law)的法学博士,也是伊隆大学(Elon University)的文学学士.

Benjamin Takis

Benjamin TakisBenjamin Takis is the founding attorney of Takis Nonprofit Law PLLC, a Washington D.C. 在税务领域执业的澳门赌场官网事务所, corporate governance, employment law, 以及非营利组织的商业交易. 本也是可持续发展教育非营利组织的联合创始人, 非营利组织的教育网站.
在2012年创立自己的公司之前, Ben worked as an associate for six years at two leading Washington D.C. boutique firms: Bredhoff & Kaiser and Groom Law Group.
本经常在非营利法律方面发表演讲和写作, tax, corporate governance, and business management for a variety of organizations and educational institutions, including the District of Columbia Bar and Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts.

Peter C. Wolk

Peter C. Wolk

Peter C. Peter C .澳门赌场官网事务所的Wolk(主持人). Wolk graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Trinity College, 他获得了哈佛大学非营利管理专业的医学博士学位, planning, and social policy, and a JD, cum laude他来自美国大学法学院.
Since 1984, Mr. 沃尔克代表了国家的利益, regional, 以及各种各样的当地非营利组织, including medical societies, community charities, trade associations, internet watchdog groups, educational groups, religious organizations, international relief groups, amateur sports organizations, higher education entities, 健康和环境非营利组织, membership organizations, social welfare groups, and scientific research groups.
In his law practice, Mr. Wolk为客户提供日常和战略治理方面的建议, inter-entity transactions, joint ventures, nonprofit formation, corporate documents, mergers, tax, fund raising, employment issues, intellectual property, contracts, board meetings, 免税组织的活动范围. In addition, he conducts board training retreats, legal audits, and strategic planning sessions.
He teaches Nonprofit Law and Governance at the American University and has taught nonprofit law for the D.C. Bar for over twenty years. Mr. Wolk曾任职于美国红十字会董事会, National Capital Chapter, 以及大华盛顿文化联盟.
Mr. 沃克曾两次被授予“年度艺术志愿者”称号, was lead legal counsel for the enactment of the DC Nonprofit Volunteer Immunity Law and has written 创建非营利组织的艺术 (华盛顿地区艺术澳门赌场官网协会) 如何发展自我维持的非营利组织 (美国能源部,清洁城市计划), 论文追逐:非营利文件,表格 & Record Keeping, and served as special editor of Developing Fundraising Policies and Procedures. He has chaired the D.C. Bar’s Membership Committee and Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee, which was the Recipient of the American Bar Association’s Best Project Award.
Mr. 沃克被哥伦比亚特区录取, New Jersey, Pennsylvania bars, and is admitted to appear before the Supreme Court of the United States.

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